A documentary By Robert Commandeur


Bible Schools

Educational Schools

Engineering College


Sewing Schools

Who We are

New India Church of God UK (NICGUK) supports the church movement New India Church of God (NICOG) in the nation of India.

NNICGUK was formed in 1988 together with Pastor R Abraham, Chris & Rose Marie Clark and Christine Clark to help bring the awareness of the vision and mandate of God to the Church in the UK, to reach the unreached in India. In 1997 as NICGUK began to grow it was registered with a Board of Trustees as a UK charity (registration no. 1064407).

Who We Support

Our local partner New India Church of God (NICOG) in India was founded in 1976 in the state of Kerala under the leadership of Pastor R Abraham and Pastor V A Thampy.

This ministry which started in the primitive areas of the state of Kerala in the South of India and has spread its wings the length and breadth of the nation.

Today NICOG India has grown to cover the South, North, West and East of India. Its ministry spans 26 states of India & Nepal with 4,550 fully established churches. The vision and mission of NICGUK is to support NICOG India to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ and spread the love of God to many in this great Nation of India.

Our sister organization, New India Church of God (NICOG), was established through ‘Church Planting’ in the nation of India, and this is its main focus to this day. NICOG in accordance to God`s plan has become the hands and feet of the Lord Jesus Christ in many areas of serving and spreading the Love of Christ practically to thousands of people in villages, towns and cities of India. Through them, the Gospel is preached. The downtrodden in Society are served, fed and clothed. The disenfranchised are helped, and the poor are educated and empowered to obtain a sustainable, profitable livelihood.

What We Do

NICGUK bifurcates its humanitarian projects into multiple fields apart from church planting. Over the years, the Lod has led us to more avenues of serving and making the love of Christ tangible to the uncountable people in villages, towns and cities of India. We preach the gospel, serve the downtrodden of the society, feed and clothe the disenfranchised, educate the poor, teach different skills to empower people to make a livelihood.

Get Involved

We encourage you to prayerfully consider how you can become involved in this great and diverse ministry which is fulfilling the great Commission of Jesus Christ to:

‘Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,’ Matt ch 28 v 19 and Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. according to James ch 1 v 27

We are in need of support and request you to be a part of reaching the unreached in this great nation of India. You can give financially to support the ministry through this website and also pray for the ministry. We can be contacted on email: nicguk@gmail.com

Our Story

This organisation was started in 1976 by two unknown young men called by God, to transform a nation...


Where we are Today

This is where we will be showing the map of India with the various initiatives that we have in the nation of India


What We Do

As the time goes on, God expands our vision to do more. Pastor Abraham has a vision for NICGUK...